Well, with certain reservations: YES.
(from a quick test program that lseek()ed 1 MB at the time..)
lseek(fd, 17248026624, SEEK_SET ): last errno = 22 (Invalid argument)
Lets see how it went..
- 10 directly mapped blocks
- 1 singly indirected block sets
- 1 doubly indirected block sets
- 1 triply indirected block sets
Each indirection block is able to tell location of blocksize/4 blocks,
thus if your EXT2 has 1kB blocks (default) in it, each of them can tell
256 blocks. Triply indirection gives thus 256^3 blocks of 1kB each, which
is that 16 GB you see. Add to it what little those lesser orders allow...
Remake your filesystem with larger blocksize, i.e.:
mke2fs -b 4096 /dev/zzz
and your maximum filesize goes up by function of:
(blocksize/4)^3*blocksize ( plus epsilon from ^2 term..)
1k: 16 GB
2k: 262 GB
4k: 4096 GB
8k: 70 TB
Propably you will be happy with 2k block size ;-)
> -cw
> P.S. On the Intel, we are restricted to 2GB files because of mm
> considerations. But, since we have a 3/1 split, why isn't the
> maximum file size 3GB?
File offsets are expressed in 32-bit signed integer (long), which can
cover only 2GB in 32-bit systems. That is why.
(That is also why 64-bit long at Alpha allows it to handle these gigantic
> -
/Matti Aarnio <matti.aarnio@sonera.fi>
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