Re: 2.0.36prepatch 6

Henning P. Schmiedehausen (
20 Aug 1998 11:14:29 +0200 (Alan Cox) writes:


>Changes this release

I have one of those GA686LX2 Giga-Byte Dual PII boards and I need to
patch the mtrr-2.0.33 fix into this kernel every time if I want to use
the 2.0.3x to use both processors.

Is there any reason not to integrate this really useful patch into the
kernel (maybe with a config option)?

Kind regards

Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Henning P. Schmiedehausen --   
TANSTAAFL! Consulting - Unix, Internet, Security      

Hutweide 15 Fon.: 09131 / 50654-0 "There ain't no such D-91054 Buckenhof Fax.: 09131 / 50654-20 thing as a free Linux"

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