Re: NAT 4 Linux (project)

Gregory Maxwell (
Sat, 22 Aug 1998 00:37:57 -0400 (EDT)

Well, how about coda? I also seem to recall there being a 'caching' NFS
talked about at Linux expo..

On Fri, 21 Aug 1998, Michael Hasenstein wrote:

> (rewrite response for the list, didn't see the authors Cc: to the list
> so only responded to him)
> Paul Wouters <> wrote:
> > I am probably missing something here. Why would you built something to
> > split up requests like this when it's a thousandfold easier to just do
> > some round robin DNS to divide the load? If NFS mounted disks on the
> > servers is too slow, i am sure some smart mirroring ultrawide scsi
> > with a fast network setup could fix that too.
> so far: every webserver needs to have access to all files. if it's
> split, a server only needs access to some files. files are on file
> servers. so far: every webserver connected to every fileserver. after
> split: less 'competition' per wire.
> They didn't say they wanted to do it like this 100% and over, it was
> an IDEA that they would have liked to test.
> --
> Michael Hasenstein; Siemens Nixdorf (Consultant)
> currently @Oracle, California (09/07/1997 - 06/12/1998)
> @PeopleSoft, California (June 98 - ???)
> Private Pilot (ASEL) since 1998
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