Re: Netscape hangs in 2.1.117

SL Baur (
22 Aug 1998 13:03:24 -0700

Myrdraal <> writes in

> On Fri, Aug 21, 1998 at 09:26:17AM -0500, John Fulmer wrote:
> Hi,
>> [snipping]
>> Richard Jones wrote:
>> >
>> > Netscape hangs indefinitely on startup:
>> I can verify this. Netscape does start for me, but then hangs at some
>> point very quickly. The process can't even be killed with a -9, I have
>> to reboot! This is on 2.1.117 only, 2.1.116 is working fine (except for
>> the broken things in 2.1.116 :(
> Hmmm, I can't duplicate that, Netscape 4.5b1 works fine on my system. No
> freezes.

I can't duplicate it either with Netscape 4.05 (the libc5 one, almost
everything else on the system is glibc). I've found Netscape very
stable on Linux if one avoids Java/Javascript.

2.1.117 is the first 2.1 kernel I've tried since 2.1.64. It's been
working O.K. (X11, AWE MIDI sound, networking) though I haven't tried
the Kernel NFS stuffs yet. Other than a bunch of TCP/UDP checksum
errors, there haven't been any diagnostics in the logs.

Linux 2.1.117 #2 Wed Aug 19 23:39:38 PDT 1998 i586
12:54pm up 2 days, 13:01, 13 users, load average: 0.01, 0.03, 0.04

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