How to change sector size from 2068 to 512?
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 02:08:35 +0800

# > [...] install process hangs when trying to probe the SCSI bus.
# > When I try to look at the messages, I realise a kernel panic has
# > taken place because the Elite 9 uses a sector/block size of 2068
# > (?!) and the kernel is unable to access it. Is anyone else using
# > an Elite 9 and can someone supply a way around the problem. [...]

# [...] do a full low-level format of the drive. The 2068-byte-sector
# mode appears to be a "undocumented" feature of Elite 9 which Seagate
# won't admit to, and non-power-of-2 sectors isn't exactly easy to
# support in Linux (understatement.)

Can you tell me how do I reformat a SCSI disk to a different
sector size? It appears that I can't get such a parameter changed in
my the SCSI BIOS of my Symbiosis875 controller. Can it be done with
an AHA-2940? Many thanks for any tips/pointers.

# However, the kernel shouldn't panic... it probably should set the disk
# size to 0 in its tables, to allow the disk to be opened only to do a
# format ioctl.

Well, that is what it said in the message log (which I get
from the install console by pressing ctrl-alt-F3 or something like
that): unable to allocate or some such in a kernel panic message.

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