Net/PPP(?)/modem sucks in 2.1.x kernels :(

Jan Rekorajski (
Mon, 24 Aug 1998 02:08:10 +0200

I have a 28800 external modem, all was fine when I was using 2.0.x kernels.
When I switched to 2.1.x series (mainly for ext2 compression) the net
performace dropped :( With 2.0.x kernels and M$ Windows the max transfer
speed is about 3.2 KB (kBYTES) but on 2.1.x kernels it is only 2.6 KB. [1]
It's almost 20% _slower_ :( Why? Is it a bug? A "feature"?

I'm using the latest tools, as described in Documentation/Changes, I played
with ppp compression and mtu/mru but no luck, it only went worse, setserial
options also didn't help :(

Maybe I overlooked something? Is there any chance for improvement?


[1] ftp/scp/http something.big.tar.bz2 in and out

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