I fixed my Boot Logos in my Boot Logo Selection Patch (I've used a beta
version of the GIMP GLogo Plug-In - so there where broken). That's the
only change I made to the patch afair.
The patch is available at <http://www.clifford.at/misc/>. The
uncompressed version is called "logo-select.patch-117a" - the bzip2
compressed one "logo-select.patch-117a.bz2".
Logo Designers: If you created a nice logo - please send it to me so I can
include it in the patch.
- clifford
PS: IMHO it would be nice if we could make a simple logo the default logo.
If the user then likes to have a drinking, smoking or eating penguin as
logo: he is free to select his favorite logo. (And he will do!)
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
Clifford Wolf
magnet - Internet at Work IRC: efnet / clifford
Director of System Development http://www.clifford.at/
e-mail: c.wolf@magnet.at email: god@clifford.at
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