> Again, no one in FreeBSD is interested in depriving anyone of their
> just and due credit for work either derived from or directly
[ snip ]
> suffer from. If the principals involved wish to correspond with me
> directly until this is resolved, I'll also be happy to do so.
I'd tend to think that someone has been trying to stir up trouble /
flamewars between the *BSD guys and the Linux folks. You are absolutely
correct in that we need to settle things of this nature in an amicable
manner - as the last time a flamewar occured, many magazines (in
particular ZDNet - my opinion about them is somewhat unprintable) picked
up on this and showed all of us who are involved in the free source arena
up in an (IMHO unjustified) negative way.
Ok now, let's get this sorted out for once and all.
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