Re: 2.1.118 Joystick problems
Myrdraal (
Thu, 27 Aug 1998 13:38:14 -0400
On Thu, Aug 27, 1998 at 11:15:16AM +0200, Gregor Suhr wrote:
> My Joystick was found on system boot, but the first access had the following
> result:
> [snip]
>From my skimming of the pre-2.1.119-1 patch, it appears that the joystick
driver wasn't updated when the 'flush' file operation was added. pre-2.1.119-1
should fix the problem.
Linux jackalz 2.1.118 #122 Wed Aug 26 04:58:47 EDT 1998 i486
1:37pm up 1 day, 7:30, 21 users, load average: 0.25, 0.12, 0.07
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