>On Sat, 22 Aug 1998, Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH wrote:
>Hello again. I'm sorry for this awful delay but I'm almost always in hurry
>> In message <Pine.LNX.3.96.980821010156.25221B-100000@localhost>, Tomasz Rola
>> wr
>> ites:
>> +-----
>> | I've been looking for some online materials about virtual machines on IBM
>> | System 360 and found almost nothing (I know, it was long long ago...). In
>> +--->8
>> S\360 didn't have virtual machines. S\370 did.
A short historical note... The first IBM virtual machine operating
system was implemented on a specially built 360/40 with a CAT (Cambridge
Address Translator... equivalent to a TLB). That was in 1965. A few
years later, IBM introduced the 360/67. There was an official operating
system named TSS and a renegade named CP/67. From whence derived
VM/370.VM has been available on most IBM mainframes up to the current
day. So, it even predates Unix by a 4-5 years.
john alvord
CDs @ http://www.cruzio.com/~billpeet/MusicByCandlelight
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