> If we're going to give strange meanings to states, it would
> surely be tidier to add some new POLLXXX flags, with semantics that have
> meaning for both files and directories.
> What I meant about modifying files is, the select(2) behaviour suggested
> doesn't seem to allow me to know when one specific file is modified.
> For that I'd need something like poll(2) on the file, but with a new flag
> meaning "file modified".
> Actually I haven't a clue why I'd be interested in that information
> anyway. I was just thinking of what's needed to emulate win32's
> notification hooks without polling.
That's enough reason -- both for Win32 emulation, and because "polling's
But, personally, finding when a file has been modified is less interesting
then when a file is _done_ being modified. And that seems to mean a way to
tell when a file has been unlocked.
-- Kenneth Albanowski (kjahds@kjahds.com, CIS: 70705,126)
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