I think a lot of this thread has missed Gerds original point, which was
that he couldn't download the patch from any of the mirrors and kernel.org
was busy/slow. The problem is cyclical, if the mirrors don't have
something, then kernel.org bogs down, and the mirrors can't update
themselves because they can't get connected so more people use kernel.org
instead of their favorite local mirror. There's only so much use that we
can expect to get out of transmeta's t-1, so it stands to reason that
using the mirrors more is the best solution.
So... Support your local mirror, eventually the latest stuff will show up,
or beat on your mirror administrator to crank their software up to twice a
In the long run most of the mirrors should probably mirror off of fast
regularly updated mirrors rather than off of kernel.org proper, even if
that effectivly doubles the latency for updates on the leaf nodes.
In the long run reliable multicast kernel distribution is probably a
direction for us to look-in so that all the mirrors are updated at the
same time... Realisticly native multicast backbone deployemnt isn't really
far enough along for the to be a complete solution, but it could reach
most big .edu sites, lots of ebone sites, and some commercial providers...
Joel Jaeggli joelja@darkwing.uoregon.edu
Academic User Services consult@gladstone.uoregon.edu
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It is clear that the arm of criticism cannot replace the criticism of
arms. Karl Marx -- Introduction to the critique of Hegel's Philosophy of
the right, 1843.
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