Erik Andersen wrote:
> For Linux, it would sure be nice to auto-magically be able to use any device
> without the usual pain. I am a bit concerned though. One of the major areas
> where Linux shines is speed. If every device is to be run in:
> "an encapsulating environment for drivers with well-defined
> interfaces which isolate drivers from OS policies and from
> platform and I/O bus dependencies"
> then isn't this equivalent to saying that performace will suck?
> -Erik
My company is involved in a similar architecture design and we actually
have drivers running in this environment under HP-UX, and to a lesser
extent, Solaris and AIX. I did a lot of the work on HP-UX (and am
working on a Linux implementation right now). A LOT of testing in the
HP-UX world proved that, at least for our design, there was no noticable
performance difference between our native drivers and our "generic
driver environment" drivers. UDI probably goes several steps further in
the abstraction process than we do, but my feeling is to say that any
difference there may be should be minimal. That is to say, the benefits
(from the development standpoint) should outweigh the consequences.
My personal opinion, though, is that I'd rather write a native driver
any day. I see this as killing most of the fun involved in writing
drivers. Can't fight progress though.
-- David Hollister Interphase Corporation Software Engineer Dallas, TX --------------E07E7B884323351A3511C06F Content-Type: text/x-vcard; charset=us-ascii; name="dhollist.vcf" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit Content-Description: Card for David Hollister Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="dhollist.vcf"begin:vcard n:Hollister;David tel;work:602-705-7798 x-mozilla-html:FALSE org:Interphase Corporation adr: version:2.1 email; title:Software Engineer x-mozilla-cpt:;0 fn:David Hollister end:vcard
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