Re: Freeze Upon /dev/fd0 Use
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Tue, 01 Sep 1998 09:45:11 -0600
> While running 2.1.X, I have noticed a little bit of strange behavior with
> floppy drive access. While running X and playing a sound (mainly tested
> with mp3s, but also happened once on a .wav), I can reliably freeze the
> machine 80% of the time by copying to or from the floppy drive. The first
> time this occurred (about a week ago), I thought it was just a fluke and
> looked over it. It has happened twice now in the past two days and I have
> replicated it several times since it happened earlier today. I am
> currently running 2.1.119 with framebuffer support and modular sound for a
> SB16. SysRq has no effect on the status of the machine, and nothing is
> logged in the kernel logs. Any suggestions? I will try patches or any
> method suggested to help resolve this problem.
TAke a hammer..... *jk*
I too have 2 systems that have strange problems. One will not boot to
a Linux floppy with the SB16 in the system, and the other (work
machine) Goes nuts if I try to access the floppy. (Also SB16). Work
is a TX chipset, and home is... VX or HX, or SOMETHING.
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