Re: Odd error.
Alan Cox (
Tue, 1 Sep 1998 18:28:32 +0100 (BST)
> Ok. I will grant that just for the simple fact that A) Its happening;
> and; B) You have quite a bit more experience in this then I do. However,
> this problem only began when I upgraded the server to 2.1.118 from 2.0.35.
> Considering that I know the source, and their reluctance to change their
> side, what recourse do I have, other then dropping back to 2.0.35? (I
> know that dropping back to 2.0.35 is a minimalistic approach, as is trying
> to make my side deaf, dumb and blind... So please, no flames from the
> peanut gallery *grin*) Never-the-less, thanks. :)
Linux 2.1.x supports the IP protocol, the device at does
not do so correctly. Linux 2.0 didnt check so you never found out your
network was broken and could potentially go down in a broadcast storm. If it
bugs you just disable that message and pray 8)
If its survived this long it probably will continue to do so.
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