I have a dec Alpha and it has a ncr53c8xx scsi card in it I have
several devices on it: 7 disk disk charger, zip drive , old syquest
drive, 3.2 gig hd, 4.1gig hd, now the 4.1 gig does not support
desconects and from my understanding is that this controller you
can only turn on or off desconects on all device but not on a single
device. I have purchased a Archives DAT drive and when I backup
my drive (tar cvf /dev/st0 /usr .....) it backs up fine but during a
rewind my kernel opps and it corrupts the drive that was just
backed up. So i decided I should not have the drive rewind the tape
so i used nst0 for my backups (tar cvf /dev/nst0 /usr ....) and I get
the same problem... so I decided that I would go out and buy a new
scsi controller and place it on the dec. I got a advance sys
controller with no BIOS. now my problem is how do I get my kernel
to see two controllers or how do I get my dat drive to work with the
ncr controller
Michael W.
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