> so the problems are detected, measures taken and I won't worry :-)
> I guess it's just the code that gives the values in /proc thats
> buggy .... well, sorry but I'm missing the time for a closer look.
Earlier I reported that the f00f workaround was not enabled on my
computer. I was partly in error. A few minutes ago, after unmounting my
disks, I did this:
[root@Sleepy /root]# ./f00f
Illegal Instruction
[root@Sleepy /root]# ./f00f
[machine hangs]
I think there is a real problem with the f00f workaround in recent
It's a dual pentium 133 system, Intel 430HX chipset, stock kernel 2.1.119,
stable hardware. Could someone please look into this? I'm a kernel tester,
not a kernel hacker, but I'd be happy to try and help someone track this
David Whysong dwhysong@physics.ucsb.edu
Astrophysics graduate student University of California, Santa Barbara
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