Re: keyboard w/ extra keys
Martin Mares (
Sat, 5 Sep 1998 17:37:59 +0200
> I just got two way cool wireless keyboards, the PC Concepts
> Surfboard (actually, I bought them at different times, and the
> same board was also labelled the MicroStealth). Anyway, it's
> one of those that has a whole bunch of extra keys/buttons.
> I'd like to see if I can get them to work, but the only thing I
> could think to try was 'xev', which shows nothing for those
> keys. Anybody have any ideas on how to go about this? I'm
> a decent C programmer, but have never actually hacked on my
> kernel, other than nontrivial things like changing the mouse IRQ.
Try showkey.
Have a nice fortnight
Martin `MJ' Mares <>
Faculty of Math and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Rep., Earth
"Where the heck is the ANY key????"
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