> hey all....is it that hard? it's called Xeon not Xenon....plz....and the l1
> is running at full speed....and it's only good with at least 4 cpus...
Hello, Mr. Attitude problem.
The l1 runs at full speed in all modern processors. I was
compairing it to the pentium pro. The differences between the PPro and the
Xeon are that the Xeon has twice the amount of l1 and upto 2megs of l2,
it's l1 is also 4way set assoiative not 2, and finally it has mmx. There
are other minor issues that are not relevant to the discussion at hand. I
was simply trying to show the reasons why one chip was better then
I'm quite aware of what a Xeon is and I can spell it fine when I dont
allow ispell to mangle my outgoing mail (It's not my fault intel
misspelled a chemical name for a product). People like you make linux
people look like assholes. It is *very* childish to attack someone because
of a spelling mistake, as some of us are not gifted with naturally good
spelling and would rather not work at it when shooting off a quick email
on a casual mailing list.
I've added your address to my procmail blackhole. When you change to
another throw away address, please send me another mail of this sort so I
can add that address there too.
Gregory Maxwell
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