> I've recently tracked down a couple of bugs thanks to some warning
> tests I added in the dcache code, and think it would be very helpful to
> include these in the kernel as 2.1 enters its final testing.
Yes. Perhaps when Linus has decided it's time to do pre-2.2 patches he
could make the final (non-pre) add a bunch of such checks and put out a
public request for people with all sorts of hardware to bang it. Then
remove the checks and go through the normal prepatch process but perhaps
with a request the more people use it on non critical boxes.
I'm worried that alot of people will have hardware compatibility probs
with 2.2. Consider the VIA dma bug, how many more like that are there,
they we just havn't notices because no one with the nessassary weird
hardware combo to bright it out is running 2.1?
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