System used :
kernel 2.0.35 / x86 ( standard PeeSee )
smbmount 2.0.2
libc 5.4.46
Server : Solaris ?.?
Samba 1.9.17p2
( pretty same with other samba versions too , on other OSes )
What I did :
( pwd is /home/somebody )
$ find marcel/ mario/ -name "16-The_Princess_Pl*"
find: marcel/NewTek/linux/i386/RedHat/RPMS/netscape-navigator-4.05-4.i386.r: No such file or directory
mount says :
//marcel/public on /home/somebody/marcel type smbfs (0)
-- David Balazic , student E-mail : | living in sLOVEnija home page: Computer: Amiga 1200 + Quantum LPS-340AT--- To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at