Jamie Lokier wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 07, 1998 at 10:58:59PM +0000, Aaron Denney wrote:
> > But you can put icons for an executable inside the file.� Stick them
> > in a new elf section.� All you need to do is agree on a format or two.
> > (And of course this doesn't work for scripts or a.out.)
> Yes, much as I'm not interested in icons, this would seem to be what a
> number of other operating systems do and it works just fine:
> � - Icons for executables embedded in the executable.
> � - Icons for data files derived from the file type.
> I would suggest that to stick with Unix "script is an executable" idea,
> there should be some way to embed an icon in a script too, if this is
> the path taken.� Obviously most times it would not be used, just perhaps
> by application distributors wanting their icon on the script.
> Otherwise application distributors will use C wrappers all over the
> place just to get icons, because everyone else has them :-)
> -- Jamie
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