Not otherwise visible except by unmounting a directory or accessing it
by another part of the dentry name-space.
> (How many sysadmins know what's below the
> mountpoints for something that's routinely coverd?)
Hopefully all those currently using any ONC based NFS server.
> This issue has come up several times before, and people have sent in
> patches to let nfsd access the underlying directory. I don't think it's
> a good thing to do though.
I still think that exposing the underlying directories is *right* (as
well as being the simplest solution which works).
Maybe there should be a hacked option to fake up an inode for those
people who don't know what is under their mountpoints (who probably
wouldn't know to use it though). I'd rather not have that in my
kernels though.
-- Jon Peatfield, DAMTP, Computer Officer, University of Cambridge Telephone: +44 1223 3 37852 Mail: To unsubscribe from this list: send the line "unsubscribe linux-kernel" in the body of a message to Please read the FAQ at