I've got it working now. Looks like all this was the result of a strange bug
in the handling of module dependencies -- lp.o wasn't triggering a load of
parport.o when it needed it.
I'll try to pin this down more closely and make a report.
-- <a href="http://www.tuxedo.org/~esr">Eric S. Raymond</a>The following is a Python RSA implementation. According to the US Government these three lines are "munitions" and posting them makes me an international arms trafficker! Join me in civil disobedience; add these lines of code to your .sig block to help get this stupid and unconstitutional law changed. ============================================================================ from sys import*;from string import*;a=argv;[s,p,q]=filter(lambda x:x[:1]!= '-',a);d='-d'in a;e,n=atol(p,16),atol(q,16);l=(len(q)+1)/2;o,inb=l-d,l-1+d while s:s=stdin.read(inb);s and map(stdout.write,map(lambda i,b=pow(reduce( lambda x,y:(x<<8L)+y,map(ord,s)),e,n):chr(b>>8*i&255),range(o-1,-1,-1)))
The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary. -- H.L. Mencken
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