Until recently, I've been able to fit everything I wanted into a normal
zImage. However, I've been bumping into the "Kernel too big" stuff when
compiling, and have reached the point where it's just getting to be a
hassle stripping stuff out to come under the magic size.
So, I tried building a bzImage. Built just fine, no problems. Noting the
docs, I made sure that I was running a recent version of lilo (lilo-20),
and went ahead and added it normally:
image = /boot/bvmlinuz-2.1.121
label = 2.1.121
root = /dev/ide/hd/c0b0t0u0p1
append = "ide2=0x1e8,0x3ee,11 root=/dev/ide/hd/c0b0t0u0p1 devfs=mount"
vga = ask
(Note that I had this problem before going to devfs, so that's not it.
The odd ide2=... stuff is to detect the IDE controller on my SB16.)
When I boot, and try to come up on that kernel, I get:
LILO boot: 2.1.121
Block move error 0x01
I have -no- clue what is happening here; if I strip the kernel down to fit
in a "zImage", everything works fine.
If there's anything else about my setup that I can provide, please let me
-- -------------------. emarshal at logic.net .--------------------------------- Edward S. Marshall `-----------------------' http://www.logic.net/~emarshal/Linux labyrinth 2.1.117 #2 SMP Thu Aug 20 21:20:49 CDT 1998 i586 unknown 10:55pm up 38 min, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
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