Re: Are we *really* in a feature freeze?

Feuer (
Sat, 12 Sep 1998 14:47:01 -0400

Yes, it should.� By Linus' rule, if QNX is going to be in 2.2.x, it pretty
much has to be in 2.2.0.� This is probably not hard-and-fast, but it's pretty
much so, AFAIK. wrote:

> Rik van Riel <> writes:
> > The issue with QNX4 vs. some major overhaul of a central
> > subsystem is that QNX4fs doesn't affect system stability
> > for people who aren't using it.
> Simple question:� Would the stable version 2.2 be released with a
> (hypothetically) bug-ridden, disk-corrupting QNXfs driver?
> ~kzm
> --
> If I haven't seen further, it is by standing in the footprints of giants
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