My box:
Dual PPro 200s
Supermicro P6DNE board
Adaptec AHA-2940 [BIOS ver 1.16]
Matrox Millenium, 8MB
NE2000 clone NIC
Seagate Barracuda 4 Narrow (ID#0)
Seagate Hawk 2 Narrow (ID #1)
Fujitsu 230MB MO (ID#6)
I had been able to burn CDRs and CD-RWs using a
Plextor 14x/32x CD-ROM (ID#3)
Ricoh 6201s CD-RW (ID#4)
Except that I could no longer do it since a couple of
weeks ago. It seems like it was around the time that
I changed from kernel 2.1.106 to 2.1.118 -- but I am
not sure. Anyway, I had someone check the CD-ROM and
CD-RW on his machine and it apparently works fine.
I then tried to add a new drive to the machine-- a
Seagate Hawk 4 SCA, with 80-to-50 pin converters. It
does not work at all. On startup the drive is not
detected as 4GB but as 64MB (!). The start up dmsg
also says Wide Connection which is impossible on a
AHA-2940, I thought. Anyway, two low level formats
convinced me that it is not the drive itself but an
interface problem.
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