Re: NEWSFLASH! Linux ported to Commodore VIC-20!!
Geert Uytterhoeven (
Mon, 14 Sep 1998 19:16:02 +0200 (CEST)
On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Neil Conway wrote:
> Anders Melchiorsen wrote:
> > Neil Conway <> writes:
> > > Hmm, quickndirty calc for 90 minute tape at 64kbits =40megs or so. If
> > > you can only get 32kbits then you still get 20megs... The sound
> > > engineers among us can no doubt confirm bandwidth and S/N issues, but I
> > > would have thought that at least 32kbits would be doable with a little
> > > error correction ?
> >
> > So a 4 hour video tape could carry like 60MB if your data is correct.
> >
> > > Maybe this isn't such a crap idea after all ;-)) (I still haven't
> > > bought a backup device for my new PC).
> >
> > If your numbers are anywere near correct (others have quoted values of
> > 1200 or 2400 bits per second, but these are for the ancient devices
> > from 1982 or so) I think I would actually be interested in such a
> > driver. I also have no backup device and floppy disks are a nuisance;
> > but if I could get just the core of my system backed up rather easily
> > (though slowly) I would probably consider doing it.
> Hmm, well if you only use the AUDIO input to your video recorder then
> yeah, I guess you would get something of the order of 60MB on a 4hr
> video tape. However, as you may know, cards already exist to let you
> store data on the video portion of a video tape (rough cost is US$50)
> and the bandwidth for this is obviously WAY higher (I seem to recall
> claims of a couple of gigs per tape but don't quote me).
These devices exist since ages. For Amiga, you had a cable that connected to
the video port (for writing) and the serial port (for reading). The actual
hardware was next to nothing (a TTL IC and some capacitors and resistors).
> "Danmere Backer" is one such device whose brandname comes to mind, but
> I've never used one.
> As for my figures, well they're a guess, but hey, if we can get 33kbps
> down a phone line, then I'll bet my ass that a decent tape recorder
> can't be far behind (and probably a LOT better).
What about DAT? :-)
Geert Uytterhoeven
Wavelets, Linux/{m68k~Amiga,PPC~CHRP}
Department of Computer Science -- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven -- Belgium
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