> Why bother with MFM or FM? They're bloody stale technology (and smells
> like old socks too). We should be looking to the compression/encoding used
> in modems for audio-tape storage.
Most modern modem encodings are designed to work around the sampling
effect of the telephone system. An audio tape on the other hand is a
continous but rather distorted medium with strange rate variations.
Fortunatly, there are a lot of enconding schemes developed for that too.
One of the problems is that we must be absolutly certain no errors occur
after the error correction is applied. This means we must be rather far on
the safe side, which reduces the available bandwidth.
-- Peter Svensson ! Pgp key available by finger, fingerprint: <petersv@df.lth.se> ! 8A E9 20 98 C1 FF 43 E3 07 FD B9 0A 80 72 70 AF ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Remember, Luke, your source will be with you... always...
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