> Chris Adams wrote:
> > According to Anders Melchiorsen <postmaster@and.nospam.kampsax.k-net.dk>:
> > >How much data would an audio tape be able to carry? Are we talking a
> > >few hundred kilobytes or are we in the megabyte range?
> >
> > IIRC, my old Atari recorded at 150 baud. That would be about 32K on each
> > side of a 60 minute tape. You can go with longer tapes, but they are more
> > likely to stretch, corrupting your data.
> As far as I know, the C64 did about 1200 baud (150 bytes per second).
> 270kbytes per C60 side.
> You could get it to increase speed by a factor of 8 by using fastloader
> stuff. -> 2Mb per C60 side.
> If you can make a 28k8 modem in software, you can probably increase
> that another factor of three -> 6Mb per side.
> If the signal to noise ratio is similar to telephone, and bandwidth is
> 15k instead of 3k you can gain another factor of 5. -> 30Mb per side.
> You can use stereo. -> 60Mb per side.
> My guess is that tape maxes out around that figure.
> Roger.
> --
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> We write Linux device drivers for any device you may have! fax: ..-2138217
How about portable recordable Minidisk?
Although there is an optical input there is only analogue out.
I would really like to know how much you could fit on one using
an analogue only recording scheme.
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