> To me, a tapefs is a FS that allows me to mount a tape and gives the
> appearance of a (cough) slow filesystem. This is something I've had
> users (colleagues with large scientific datasets) ask me about, and is
> something that would be quite handy.
> So, implementing a real FS module for each of these systems would
> probably be the right way to go. What we need is someone with the time
> and energy to go forth and write code. Any takers?
I have an Idea on how to write a sudo tapefs or tapeftp worm, I just
don't know enough about c to go this low level.. but here is my
Idea.. Place all the directory structures on the Hard drive place all
files on the tape. so if your browsing the drive it looks at the
directory structures database (i.e. and ls or cd) but if you need a
file then it goes to the file and retrieves it and places it on the hd
until the file is closed then it is deleted.. here is how the directory
structures works and I am sure that this could be optimized: for
every directory there is a file there is a masterfile (like the
superblock) too. each file would look sorta like the ls -l like this:
permissions filelocation filename
drwxr-xr-x root root 0 directoryfilename2
-rwxr-xr-x root root 53224 filename
Michael W.
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