> In message <Pine.LNX.3.95.980915155439.12281A-100000@ariel.imagegroup.com>,
> Dav
> e DeMaagd writes:
> +-----
> | > Who the hell are the guys from
> | > http://www.linuxstandards.org/ ?
> |
> | My take on it is that they are a serious bunch of @ssholes, trying to get
> | on the Linux bandwagon, and make the most of it for themselved. AFAIK,
> | there is not one of the 'big names' in the Linux developer/advocacy
> | community that has supported them. With any luck they will be dead in the
> | water, or anything they do will be a moot point.
> +--->8
> Yup. Best guess is that they heard that IBM might be interested in a Linux
> distribution, and decided that if they threw together something that looked
> like an IBM-like stuffy standards organization then *they* could be the
> source of the distribution.
Just to be the devil's advocate...
They *might* have been totally benevolent, concerned only with
increasing Linux's acceptance in commercial environments where
standards *are* mandatory, or at least useful in swaying those
pointy haired leaders of ours.
One of the LSA members is (was?) the maintainer of the website
www.linux.org, which provided lots of good information for the
beginner or intermediate user, and was a service done for zero
profit. This indicates he *might* have been altruistic.
I know the /. affect hit LSA pretty hard but /. readers aren't
infallible, and even though the LSA response did pretty poorly
from a PR point of view this does not prove the LSA had purely
evil or malevolent intentions.
But everyone can make up their own minds.
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