Re: 2.0.36-pre9

Matthew Hawkins (
Thu, 17 Sep 1998 00:10:35 +1000

On Tue, 15 Sep 1998, Alan Cox wrote:

> Test all you like. The point of 2.0.x is to be totally reliable. If you want
> to be less reliable then apply patches or use 2.1.x. I'm really amazed how
> much it upsets some people.
> Its easy to fix the *known* bugs its not easy to prove they are all fixed
> and egcs built 2.0.x is no where near as heavily beta tested as 2.0.x
> with gcc 2.7.2. Not using latest compilers with old trees is the norm
> in most parts of the software industry.

This is exactly what I meant to say and didn't explain very well.

> And pre10 tells you where to find Florians patch page as well now. It also
> fixes a bug reported when people set CFLAGS to include -V 2.7.2

I think this is the Right Thing To Do (tm) as we get the best of both
worlds. Those who require proven stability stick with the stock kernel,
those who want to experiment or iron out remaining bugs with egcs-compiled
kernels can easily apply the patches and do so.

Let the 2.0 LMP integrate egcs/pgcc support if they feel it's necessary
once adequate testing has been performed. I don't like keeping gcc-
around just for the kernel any more than the next guy, but there are worse
things in life - such as an unreliable "stable" kernel.


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