I cannot load any module since 2.1.121. "modprobe foo" says nothing,
and there is no syslog error message either.
I have this behaviour since 2.1.121 and its the same with 2.122.
I thought it may be egcs miscompiling, but a friend has the same
problem with gcc-2.7.2.
What is it ?
-- Regards, AndreasPS: egcs-1.0.3,modutils-2.1.121 +-----------------------------------------------------------+ |Andreas Steffan Email: deas@uni-hamburg.de | |Hamburg, Germany Phone: 040/60671180 | | Fax: 040/60679767 | +-----------------------------------------------------------+ finger p25a003@server2.rrz.uni-hamburg.de for PGP-public-key.
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