> "Michael L. Galbraith" <mikeg@weiden.de> said:
> > Well, now I know why I don't have the problem at least. Any idea why
> > I don't even _have_ a map for /etc/ld.so.cache? This is sysvinit-2.74
> ....
> > 40000000-40013000 r-xp 00000000 08:32 260205 /lib/ld-2.0.95.so
> The behaviour I described is for glibc-2.0.6. Maybe 2.0.95
> changes the order how to find a library (RPATH, ld.so.cache,
> LD_LIBRARY_PATH etc) or dies away with the cache at all?
> Cheers, Roderich
Alex also uses glibc-2.0.95, and had the problem.. assuming that it's
the same problem. I checked other glibc binaries, and they do have the
deleted map reference if ldconfig is executed while they are running.
Init doesn't on my machine.. only init, which seems odd. It's likely
a startup script sequence thing.. and therefore off topic :)
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