> Does anyone pay for drivers for Windows? I haven't seen any sources for
> that. The cost of the windows driver is built into the cost of the
> hardware whether we make our own drovers or not, I don't see that changing
> any time soon.
Yes it does happen. I've seen companies charge extra for NT drivers.. The
DOC-IT people charged $90 for beta '95 drivers... There are more. However,
Windows is considered mainstream.. If you have a piece of hardware (esp
one with a designed for windows sticker) you damn well better give the
driver away..
It's not the same with Linux/Unix... It will be like.. Ohhh.. You use
THAT, you've gotta pay extra.
> Also :
> I'm starting to wonder how many of you actual read the post from SCO.
> Cross hardware platforms ? Were did it say Intel only ?
I did. NT is 'cross platform' too. All it should take is a simple
recompile to nativly compile correctly written code for Alpha.. But people
don't do it.. The existance of emu86 hinders this further.. Most vendors
will just say: Just run it with the emulator..
The binary UDI vendors will not compile for other platforms.
> I agree it can change the prospects of Linux, but why do we fear that?
> According the announcement this was all cross platform. We should be
> arguing this stuff on it's technical points not it's philosophical ones.
> The anti corporate religion is really strange when you consider who is
> sponsoring some of the Linux FTP sites I've seen around the net.
No one here is anti corporate. But why should any other entity be
profiting off our efforts without giving back??? Why should we accept a
system that encourages binary only drivers, thus removing the freedom
Linux gives us??
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