Re: Linux, UDI and SCO.
Khimenko Victor (
Sun, 20 Sep 1998 01:54:23 +0400 (MSD)
In <> Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH ( wrote:
BK> In message <>, "Khimenko Victor" writes:
BK> +-----
| BK>> | You misunderstood me. UDI is not related to M$ as of yet (I hope at lea
BK> | st).
| BK>> | But UDI existence could GREATLY simplyify Linux destroing task for M$.
BK> | And
BK> |
| BK>> Not really, since if it did it would simultaneously make commercial Unix
| BK>> stronger --- unless it involved killing both at once, which is irrelevant
BK> | to
| BK>> UDI because nobody's going to drop their proprietary driver interfaces wh
BK> | ile
| BK>> adding UDI. (That would be suicidal, because older third party drivers
| BK>> would likely not be made available in a UDI version.)
BK> |
BK> | Computer world is fluidal :-(( The only thing you need is UDI binary-only
BK> | driver for few essentional parts of hardware. That's all. Something like
BK> | I2O but needed for "new genaration" of all and every computer systems...
BK> Again, Sun, SCO, etc. expect us to write UDI drivers for them. If the
BK> hardware manufacturers pull the above, they prevent us from doing so --- at
BK> which point they get Sun, SCO, etc. coming down hard on them. We could do
BK> worse than having the commercial Unixes backing us against recalcitrant
BK> hardware vendors.
Of course Sun, SCO, etc. does not want ruin Linux. Now. In the future many
things could happens. Since UDI clearly make Linux more vulnerable to such
attacks we need something what could help us in such cases. Words of support
from Sun, SCO, etc. is NOT ENOUGH. This COULD work but we NEED something
written on paper and which could be used in the future even if SCO & Sun
will change their minds... Requirements of LGPL'ed sources for certification
will be enough, but may be it's to much.
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