> As far as I can see, the commercial x86-UNIX community will probably go
> with UDI, whether we're on board or not. Companies reluctant to release
> specs will probably release UDI drivers and tell everyone else to "support
> UDI, run Windows or shut up". If we don't support UDI, we won't get
> access to that hardware at all (at least without reverse engineering as is
> done at the moment, and presumably would continue to be done where
> permitted). If we do, we get access to more devices.
And lost Linux stability. No, Thnx. In long terms we could get more
closed-source buggy drivers. Short-term win could lead to long-term disaster...
> Possibly more importantly, this is one of the best chances for the *NIX
> community to put aside the petty bickering and infighting that has spoilt
> its' chances in the past. It's easier to get a SCO user to switch to
> Linux, than to get an NT user to make the switch. If they know that the
> exact same hardware that runs under SCO will also work with Linux, that's
> one less reason to put them off.
We do NOT NEED new users if price is ruining Linux via buggy (but essentional)
UDI is not designed with ruining Linux in mind but UDI could be used this way.
We MUST try to develop some defence...
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