->Well, let's think about it. The System BIOS and APM BIOS have a
->well-defined, and standardized interface. When you buy a computer, it
->comes with BIOS installed on ROM's as a matter of course. So the fact
->that the System BIOS and the APM BIOS are not free doesn't get people's
->way, and they probably simply don't think about it.
This brings me to a point which has been bothering me for a quite a while.
Most BIOSes nowdays are designed for primiate dos-like operating systems,
and does not quite correspond to needs of operating system as linux.
Since BIOS is software, most of what BIOS can do linux can do too.
Moreover, since most of the bioses today are on FLASH-ROM so it is easy
to update. Furthermore those FLASH-ROOMS are usually big, of magnitude
of 1-2mb.
What is boils down to, is that I would like to see bios concentrate on
the thing which it is desinted to: a) init device from which it is
to load kernel b) load kernel c) _optionally_ provide some basic Input
What I mean here is that I don't see my my BIOS need to have "Virus
Protection" or "date setup". But I would like to see my BIOS to provide
a) serial console support
b) support for netbooting.
c) booting over parallel port ;P
d) IR booting (variation of netbooting)
Espeically B, It would ease pains of needing to find a burner burn EEPROM
for netowrk card.
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