Re: Today Linus redesigns the networking driver interface (was Re: tulip driver in ...)
Richard Gooch (
Mon, 21 Sep 1998 10:13:19 +1000
Doug Ledford writes:
> Donald Becker wrote:
> >
> > On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Gerard Roudier wrote:
> > > On Sun, 20 Sep 1998, Donald Becker wrote:
> > >
> > > > And you can fill in my usual flame about people writing drivers that use
> > > > SA_INTERRUPT on shared interrupt lines. (Perhaps if they would have been
> > > > called "ugly interrupt" instead "fast interrupt"...)
> > >
> > > There is no semantic problem for a driver to tell the kernel its interrupt
> > > code is fast when it is _actually_ fast.
> I think this is the semantic problem. The SA_INTERRUPT flag doesn't say
> anything about the speed of your interrupt routine. It flags whether or not
> to run the various bottom halves at the end of your interrupt. For network
> cards, it is required that this flag *not* be set so that the cards
> interrupt routine will result in the net bottom half getting run. For SCSI,
> with the new SCSI error code in 2.1.x, the same is true, you want to make
> sure this flag is not set so that the scsi bottom half will get run at the
> end of the interrupt. The only real reason to use the SA_INTERRUPT flag is
> if you have an interrupt that's getting entered multiple thousands of times
> per second and can't stand the CPU overhead of doing the bottom half
> processing (aka, an old standard serial UART running at 115200 baud on a 386
> machine, that's what the flag was originally made for). To be honest, I
> doubt the ethernet interrupt routines (such as for the tulip) are any slower
> in their actual interrupt processing than say my aic7xxx interrupt routine.
> I would really hope not since my ethernet card in my news server handles
> about 2 interrupts to every 1 for my aic7xxx controllers, so it really
> better be the fast interrupt handler since it handles so many more
> interrupts. Now, that to me exemplifies why the flag in itself is broken.
> Besides, unless you have thirty SCSI busses and hundreds of SCSI devices,
> the chances are that you won't break the 300 to 400 interrupt per second
> rate on your SCSI subsystem. At that interrupt rate, the SA_INTERRUPT flags
> doesn't buy you very much at all, and I would just get rid of it to avoid
> the other problems it causes. OTOH, if your interrupt routine services
> 1000+ interrupts per second, then it might be worthwhile to have the
Wouldn't these problems with sharing interrupts be solved by removing
the SA_INTERRUPT flag entirely and simply having interrupt handlers
return a flag indicating that it doesn't want bottom halves called?
The semantics could be either:
- I didn't do anything that requires a BH
- I'm being called so fast that BH processing may kill the machine.
With the latter semantic perhaps an alternative would be for the core
interrupt handling and dispatch system to take note of interrupt
flooding and start dropping BH processing. If the code to implement
this can be fast enough, would this be the answer to SA_INTERRUPT?
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