> On Sun, Sep 20, 1998 at 05:22:38AM +0100, Alan Cox wrote:
> > > Although, I think we are still waiting on _necessary_ uses of
> > > STREAMS other than Netware aren't we?
> >
> > You shouldnt be suprised by that 8)
> Actually - I am a little.
You shouldn't be. Most vendors quietly bypassed the STREAMS stack
for TCP/IP by allowing calls straight into the underlying provider
modules for socket operations. If you really want a laugh trace
the system calls that a typical libnsl generates for a simple
TLI/XTI connect or listen/accept operation. It's, ah, "impressive" :-).
-- .----------------------------------------------------------------------. | Mike Jagdis | Internet: mailto:mike@roan.co.uk | | Roan Technology Ltd. | | | 54A Peach Street, Wokingham | Telephone: +44 118 989 0403 | | RG40 1XG, ENGLAND | Fax: +44 118 989 1195 | `----------------------------------------------------------------------'
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