> > In truth for most of those cases running RTLinux is far simpler, far
> > faster and far more reliable since in the RTLinux case you _will_
> > hit your irq latency deadlines not "most of the time".
> Unfortunately RTLinux is further removed from the "real world" of
> Linux. Launching RTLinux processes is quite different (you have to
> From looking at the current Linux capabilities, it looks to me like we
> can indeed give hard-RT performance. Sure, it may mean not using
> broken 8390 drivers which globally disable interrupts while spending
> 1.6 ms reading a packet, but hey, we can live with that ;-)
> Being able to do all this with normal Linux without having to resort
> to RTLinux is a goal worthy of pursuit.
This should be doable by letting having the RT-triggering
interrupt call schedule() from it's bottom half.
I'm pretty sure there are some loopholes left, however, so
I left some CC's to more knowledgeable folks...
| Linux memory management tour guide. H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl |
| Scouting Vries cubscout leader. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~riel/ |
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