Content-ID: <Pine.LNX.3.96.980923202401.4110D@mirkwood.dummy.home>
On 22 Sep 1998, Turbo Fredriksson wrote:
> When I was packing up the source for 2.1.122 I acctually
> sat there and watched it unpack (I never did that before,
> I just swich tty, and do other things :), and saw the
> word 'apollo'... So I did a search in the whole dir for
> the word apollo, but didn't find anything clearifying.
A 'grep -i /usr/src/linux/Documentation/Configure.help'
will show more...
> Is this the HP Apollo (HP 300 clone) ?
According to grep:
Apollo frame buffer device
hardware found in some Apollo workstations.
# CONFIG_APOLLO, etc. coming soon (?)
Unfortunately, the code in arch/m68k/apollo doesn't
have _any_ comments whatsoever, so I can't tell you
more :(
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