Possibly. But at the data rates mentioned (400kbaud), 8 character times
is 20us, which is pushing it for Linux on a PC at the moment. And if
there's another interrupt being serviced, goodbye data.
I wonder why they don't just put a bigger FIFO on the serial chip.
Still agree with the rest of your post.
-- Jamie
> Also, many devices aren't can't stop instantly, either. That's why
> Linux as a 1024 byte internal buffer, and will start signalling the flow
> control signal when there 128 bytes left. I want to give plenty of time
> for the flow control signal to happen.
> As you yourself point out in the source code, this can cause some data
> transfer lockups.
> + * *** Currently only implemented for the 16550C. The 16650=
> + * can do autoflow too, but it uses different registers.
> Not true. The National Semiconductor 16550 can not do automatic flow
> control.
> In any case, I'll look at supporting the 16550C, but only if someone can
> identify the manufacturer and I can get a hold of some formal datasheets
> describing it. I've done some web searching, and nothing's shown up as
> far as an manufacturer is concerned.
> - Ted
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