Re: amdk6-2, MVP3 and linux

Koos Vriezen (
Mon, 28 Sep 1998 14:28:12 +0200 (MET DST)


It look that my board is also stable at 66 MHz and CPU at 266 MHz. But I
paid for a 100 MHz board and an AMD K6 300 MHz.
That you have the same result as I can mean that these board aren't
reliable enough.

On Mon, 28 Sep 1998, Euain Drysdale wrote:

> My machine works fine now (no errors spotted in last 3 weeks or so since I
> upgraded)
> I got the signal 11 messages when I tried running my k6-2 266 at 3 or 2.5x
> 100 Mhz. When I dropped the bus speed to 66 (4x 66), it worked fine. I
> think that 66x4 is the correct setting for the chip. The memory was
> running at 66Mhz throughout.
> I have FIC-503+ MVP3 motherboard. 96MB of 60ns EDO SIMMS.
> Might be worth fiddling with the jumpers on the MB. Maybe your memory is
> straining under the higher bus speeds if you are running at 100Mhz memory
> and CPU bus..?
> ********************************************************************
> Euain Drysdale Phone: 01235 445751
> Rutherford Appleton Lab Fax: 01235 445848
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