Just because you can't imagine the application that doesn't
mean that Richard doesn't have one at hand :)
Apart from that, I don't see any problems with visualizing
such an app as well (or at least a normal RT app which got
in trouble because of an overloaded rest-of-the-system).
> Also, as far as I can tell it would take a major rewrite of the
> scheduler to implement a second run queue.
It wouldn't. It would involve copying a bit of existing code
to make an RT path and then chainsawing the RT additions from
the normal code path. It's an absolutely trivial change.
| Linux memory management tour guide. H.H.vanRiel@phys.uu.nl |
| Scouting Vries cubscout leader. http://www.phys.uu.nl/~riel/ |
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