Sorry for my ignorance, but it would be nice to know what they mean.
> >From: (Larry McVoy)
> >b) If you can't run in the kernel, you really ought to consider upcalls from
> > driver's interrupt routine. What are those?
> This is *funny*. A month ago, I wrote this list to ask for opinions
> regarding implementing upcalls in Linux. This was given the work I
> helped do to implement "scheduler activations" in the Mach uKernel
> (Usenix 1993). I wondered if anyone thought it would be good to have
> upcalls available as a general mechanism for Linux (not scheduler
> activations per se, just the upcall mechanism).
> Nobody commented, except one private email from someone who knew what
> SA's were, and wanted me to tell him if I ever ported the Mach stuff
> to Linux.
> So I don't need much help understanding upcalls, having already been
> through the nightmare of writing a user-level thread library that has
> to have an instruction-level reentrant context switch because an
> upcall could come at any moment :)
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