Re: NFS question

Bill Hawes (
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 09:45:37 -0700

H.J. Lu wrote:

> >
> > Probably I've choosed a wrong person to complain - please, let me know if
> > this is the case.
> >
> > I've exported one directory with ro,root_squash options. And I have one
> > file with 711 modes on it, owned by root. Occasionally I've discovered,
> > that root user on the machine that mounted that dir can read that file.
> > With user-level nfsd (v29) this occurs only after first attempt to execute
> > mentioned file. Even if file modes are 000, root is still able to read
> > file contents.
> >
> Thanks for your bug report. Here is a patch. It is for Linux 2.1.123.
> I think it should work for recent kernels also. Please let me know
> if it fixes all the ro,root_squash bugs you have. If not, please
> tell me how to recreate the bug. I am planning to make a new knfsd
> soon.
> H.J.

Hi H.J.,

I think you may have misdiagnosed the problem Alex is reporting. What may be
happening is that the file is executed on the client machine (as its permissions
allow), and is then cached on the client side by the page cache. A subsequent
attempt to read the file succeeds because of the cacheing.

If this is what's happening, the fix needs to be made on the client side.


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