RE: [OT] Linux's growing pains

Sid Boyce (
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 15:42:31 +0000

> The finger-pointing between Linus and the vger people illustrates a growing pain
> of Linux.
> Linus himself freely admits that Linux has grown so large, it is impossible for
> him to handle all patch request by himself anymore, and the vger arrangement
> obviously ain't working that well either.
> It is unfair to unload all the Linux burden on Mr. Torvalds alone.
> He has a life too, y'know?

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> Any suggestion?
> Respectfully,
> Pete
The same thoughts occured to me yesterday after seeing the bashing Linus
received here.
There must be tasks that could be farmed out to others. The team could discuss
broad concepts, leaving the details to each developer, with possibly a small
team of integrators/testers who would offer expert feedback.
After the code is released, we'd then have the usual mailing-list traffic
available to the developers/integrators.
Perhaps Linus could fulfill the role of overseer and final abiter, but without
the responsibility of having to act directly on every line of code.
In this, I'm just a bystander, perhaps there are many day job software
developers that can advise on a suitable model as it's a collasal task for just
one super human guy.

... Sid Boyce...Amdahl(Europe)...44-121 422 0375 
Any opinions expressed above are mine and do not necessarily represent
 the opinions or policies of Amdahl Corporation.

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