Re: jitterbug
Wed, 30 Sep 1998 16:31:00 -0500 (CDT)

> for automated testing, you can look at possibly setting up bonsai and
> tinderbox... code released courtesy of netscape. basically the kernel is
> rebuilt over and over again constantly. But this is obviously only useful

I do see a potential advantage here cropping up... it would allow Linus
to at least see if his code will build on each platform before it goes
out, and with minimal effort on his part. He could just throw up the
source and have Tinderbox churn away on machines across the globe,
of all architectures and with a WIDE selection of hardware. Within a few
minutes (perhaps 5), he'd know about any big glaring "driver for NIC XYZ on
platform ABC doesn't compile" bugs immediately.

Something like this wouldn't have to be continuous (like Mozilla), but
just something he can trigger before releases.

Shaw Terwilliger (ten.tenecnavda@giwt)

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